The harper’s play

By Paul Ketchum
February 5 - 14, 2015

Chooptown presents The Harper’s Play, a theatrical adaptation of the February 2014 issue of Harper’s Magazine, cover to cover. It careens through space and time - from Yahoo message boards to Pussy Riot’s Siberian prison; from the last guillotine execution in France to the Romance Novel Convention in Las Vegas. It will challenge you with the crossword puzzle of your worst nightmares. It will call you a “penis” to your face. It is the only thing that should be done with the February 2014 issue of Harper’s Magazine.

Feb 5 - 14
Thursdays – Saturdays at 8 pm
Additional show: Friday, Feb. 13 at 10:30 pm

Directed by Marty Brown
Featuring Sara Buffamanti, Aron Canter, Andre Harris, Matthew Korahais and Keelie Sheridan.

Chooptown is an ongoing collaboration between Paul Ketchum and Marty Brown. Paul Ketchum is a playwright, actor and MFA graduate in playwriting from Brooklyn College. His plays have been seen at Prelude Festival, the Weasel Festival, and Little Theater at Dixon Place. He will be performing in William Burke’s upcoming Comfort Dogs at JACK. Marty Brown is an actor, director, and writer. He was recently seen in Furry, TUBE, and Hoi Polloi’s All Hands and The less we talk.

Part of the series DAMNABLE SCRIBBLING: Brooklyn College Playwrights at JACK

Photo by Alaina Ferris