
By Sadah "Espii" Proctor, Paul Leopold, Wi-Moto Nyoka
May 20 - 21, 2017

​Visceral, virtual and meditative, Sanctuary is a performance installation and an invitation for a ritual journey that shatters time. Through the ancient motif of a labyrinth, audiences will move freely through wandering halls of fictions and illusions exploring themes of self-care, ritual and power. Interactive sound sculptures, wearable technologies, live movement capture and video projection design combine to illuminate a vision of altered states of reality. Walking the labyrinth will turn spaces of pain into portals of pleasure, conjuring invented deities and investing in impossibility. The experience will culminate in an investigation of how we can leverage virtual realities, speculative fictions, performativities and invented codes to manifest other futures.

Saturday, May 20 at 8 pm
Sunday, May 21 at 3 pm

Sanctuary was developed at Brooklyn College as a thesis project for the Performance and Interactive Media Arts (PIMA) MFA program. PIMA provides students with training, theoretical and technical knowledge, and practical experience in the conceptualization and production of collaborative, multi-disciplinary artworks.


Wi-Moto Nyoka is a performer and transmedia artist. Awards and honors include: Tanzhaus NRW Interdisciplinary Works artist in residence 2011, Puffin Foundation grant recipient 2012, the Brick’s Comic Book Theater Festival 2014 selected librettist, Indie Boots Theater Festival Finalist & Audience Award Honorable Mention 2015, A.R.T/New York Creative Space Grant recipient 2016. She holds a BFA in music theater from the University of the Arts and is currently attending the Brooklyn College MFA program for Performance & Interactive Media Arts.

Paul Leopold is a multimedia artist and producer. As co-director of art collective The Culture Whore, Paul is known for throwing concept driven warehouse raves such as OASIS, RIOT, DOWNLOAD & the Psychic Series. The Culture Whore is the 2015 & 2016 Brooklyn Nightlife Award winner for Best Producer. As the director of Descent, Paul directed and produced original immersive theatre pieces: GRAVITY at the American Repertory Theatre's Club Oberon (2013) and House of Yes (2012) and ENTOMO (2011) at Oberon. Paul has a BFA in Theatre Arts from Boston University and is currently pursuing their MFA in Performance and Interactive Media Arts at Brooklyn College.

Sadah Espii Proctor is a dramaturg, performer, and sound & media designer. Fellowships and honors include: SH//FT Oculus Connect 3 Scholar (2016), NYU Virtual Reality Lab Fellow (Fall 2016), Creative Founder Lab Scholar (2016), Thoughtworks & NYU Tandon Art-A-Hack (2016) and featured artist at Creative Tech Week 2016, for her interactive art installation Graffiti Action. Dramaturgy includes: Spunk (New Perspectives Theatre Company, 2015), Daughters of the Bayou (Theater YinYin, 2015), and Project Unspeakable (Convergences Theatre Collective, 2014). Ms. Proctor also leads panels on Cyberpunk and Afrofuturism, most recently at NYU’s ITP Camp. She holds a B.A. in Theatre Arts from Virginia Tech and is currently attending Brooklyn College’s MFA program for Performance & Interactive Media Arts.

Photo by Adele Overbey