
By Goat in the Road Productions (New Orleans)
December 7 - 10, 2015

New Orleans-based collaborative theater company Goat in the Road brings their award-winning play Numb to New York audiences. The show follows a trio of stories, each tied to the 19th-century origins of anesthesiology and the first personalities to experiment with pain-free surgery. Combining history, neuroscience, wonky movement and an immersive soundscape, Numb paints an entertaining and heartbreaking portrait of scientific progress and the search for intoxication.

"…an amazing collaboration and production featuring some of the finest performers and behind-the-scenes artists out there right now. The play will have you laughing, cringing, crying, hiding behind your seat… In fact, the only thing you won’t feel is numb."
– The NOLA Defender

Goat in the Road Productions is an award-winning New Orleans-based performance ensemble dedicated to the production of original and invigorating new works of theatre, dance, performance art and educational programming. Since its 2008 inception, GRP has created twelve original performance works, toured nationally, and in March of 2013, the company’s show Our Man was featured on the cover of American Theatre magazine.